What are students saying

Before coming to this work I felt like I had run out of places to go. I had tried a lot of other things and they had meager results. Here, every time I come to a weekend, small group, or private session things happen that unfold my Being in a consistent way.”
~Donald, ALI Student for 5 years.

This work saved my life. Trying to create a meaningful life through the mechanical viewpoint of ego was only serving to destroy my career, undermine my health and wreak havoc in my relationships, leaving my deeply disillusioned and unhappy in the process. Through the work, I came to a deep reconnection with the core of my being and found the freedom to create my life in ways I had never dreamed possible.
~Debra, ALI student for seven years.

The presence and energy of the group field reveal both my ego resistance and my essential nature in a way that would not happen on my own.”
~Leslie, ALI Student for five years.

I am grateful to Michael Torresan, former teacher in the Ridhwan School, for first organizing this material (on the superego) and presenting it as a body of teaching in workshop format. He was an inspiring and provocative model for assisting others in confronting their judges.
~Byron Brown, author of Soul without Shame: A Guide to Liberating Yourself from the Judge Within, Ridhwan Teacher and senior student of A. H. Almaas.

Being a practitioner of insight meditation, I am delighted to discover how much the ALI work and Vipassana add to each practice's means of dispelling delusion. I am further pleased to see Jack Kornfield write that he could commend the work of Michael’s former teacher, A. H. Almaas, ‘to anyone interested in living the life of the spirit’.”
~Meridith, ALI student for three years.

After reading where Ken Wilber wrote that he could "recommend the Diamond Approach as probably the most balanced of the widely available spiritual psychologies/therapies" I began searching for a path incorporating that type of work and found my way to one of Michael’s free talks.
~Juan, ALI student for one year.