The Authentic Living Institute

(ALINow) provides an orientation, approach, and practice to free one from the illusory world created by the mind, and support the emergence of what is essentially real in each of us. It utilizes psychological understanding and the direct experience of your essential nature (love, strength, will, compassion, etc.) to understand and be free from the causes of many of life's most frustrating and painful situations:

. Relationship disharmony - habitual patterns of issues and problems
. Challenge in coming to accept and love oneself
. Being in the grip of mental 'chatter' and self judgment
. Feeling unseen, unappreciated, not belonging
. Sensing not being fully 'present' in one's life - and an absence of intimate contact
. Limitations of all kinds due to unconscious - unprocessed wounds from the past

ALINow provides individual and couple sessions for private work. If you are seeking to become part of a committed community of practitioners - you could explore one of the on-going groups. To expand the effectiveness of community learning and support we will utilize social media - including the blog page on this site - 'Daily Reflections' - where you are encouraged to let us know what is on your mind.